Rick and Morty season 3 Episode 1 The Rickshan Rickdemption


The episode opens with Rick and his family sitting in a booth at an old-fashioned American diner, Shoney's, talking about Rick's escape from space prison. Rick smells a rat and orders Jerry to fold 12 times. "Jerry" only manages to contort into six folds, revealing that it is actually a simulation based on Rick's memories.

 A Galactic Federation agent named Cornvelious Daniel, sitting in the next booth, introduces himself and reveals that he was sent to collect information from Rick's mind via a brain link. The agent clarifies that Rick's brain will be liquefied at the end of the session, so he can regain his memories one last time.

Meanwhile, Morty and his family are back on Earth, now administered by the Galactic Federation. Jerry now works at an unspecified job, while Beth has lost her own job due to the Federation's advanced medical knowledge. Dissatisfied with their current way of life, Summer decides to rescue Rick and digs up the portal gun that Rick buried in the backyard next to his own alternate dimension corpse. Morty tries to dissuade Summer from doing so, but when the family's robotic butler Conroy turns hostile and tries to confiscate the portal weapon, Morty transports them all to his family's "Cronenberg World", which he and Rick C-137 had previously left.

After he arrives, Conroy is destroyed by Jerry Smith and Summer Smith from the Cronenberged Forsaken Dimension. Morty and Summer join them, along with Beth Smith, for a roast Cronenberg feast. The cataclysm that this dimension suffered gives Morty proof to Summer that Rick doesn't care about anyone, especially his family. At this point, Jerry breaks the portal gun and stops our Summer and Morty from leaving.

After they arrive, Conroy is destroyed by Jerry Smith and Summer Smith from the Cronenberged Forsaken Dimension. Morty and Summer, along with Beth Smith, join them at a Cronenberg roast feast. The cataclysm that this dimension suffered gives Morty Summer proof that Rick doesn't care about anyone, especially his family. At this point, Jerry breaks the portal gun and stops our Summer and Morty from leaving.

Back in the brain link simulation, Rick stops at a McDonalds drive-thru and orders Chicken McNuggets with Szechuan Sauce. Rick then shows the agent a flashback of how he lost his wife and Beth in an explosion in his first dimension, prompting him to invent his first portal weapon. The agent collects what he believes to be the true formulation of the portal weapon and uploads it to the brain-link server. The agent then tries to leave the brain link, but his communication device fails. Rick reveals that the "code" in question was actually a virus that gave him control over the entire system, and that the "memory" they visited was of "fabricated" origin. Rick then transfers his consciousness from the brain link to the agent's physical body.

At this point, Rick's council seal team shows up and kills all the aliens, and Rick D-99, a member of the SEAL team, shoots Rick's old C-137 body in the head, destroying it. Rick manages to transfer his consciousness from his agent body to Rick D-99. Soon after, another SEAL team Rick shoots the agent's body, killing Rick D-99. Rick C-137 (in his new body) kills the rest of the agents and interrogates the surviving Rick, to which the surviving Rick tells him that Morty and Summer are on the Citadel. Rick thanks the last living Rick and shoots him in the head. 

Rick abseils the rope and leaves the Galactic Federation prison, reaching the teleportation control room at the Citadel of Ricks by switching his consciousness to a high-ranking Rick. He teleports the entire Citadel back into the middle of the federal prison, leading to a heated battle between the two sides. Rick C-137 infiltrates the Council Chamber and kills most of the Council of Ricks before ending up feuding with the last member and attempting to use Summer as a hostage.

With a bit of clever trickery, Rick and Morty join forces to save Summer and escape back to Earth, but not before Rick returns to the prison control room and changes the Galactic Federation's currency, Blemflarcks, so that 1 blemflarck is worth 0 blemflarcks. With the economy in ruins, the Federation follows suit, throwing the entire galaxy into chaos and resulting in many aliens leaving Earth.                  

By the time Rick, Morty, and Summer return home, Jerry is unemployed again, while Beth is simply relieved that her family is safe at home. Unhappy with his father-in-law's return, Jerry demands that Beth choose between him and Rick, leading to the two deciding to divorce.                                                 As Beth and Summer leave the garage, Rick reveals to Morty that he allowed himself to be captured on purpose to get revenge on both the Galactic Federation and Jerry for crossing him. By removing Jerry, Rick now assumes the role of undisputed patriarch of the family, and Morty will be forced to continue his adventures with him, as both Beth and Summer consider Rick a hero. Rick explains that all he wants from his plans is to get the Szechuan Chicken McNugget Sauce, which McDonalds stopped making years ago. Understandably, Morty is visibly horrified by the revelation.

In the post-credits scene, Birdperson's corpse is revived with cybernetic parts and renamed "Phoenixperson". He and Tammy fly off into the distance, presumably to get revenge on Rick.
